

Find out about the Sanelli collections and all our knives


Quality materials, the very latest state-of-the-art technology and over a hundred years of experience all add up to our ability to create unique, high-end products that are safe, easy to handle and made to last.
Appreciated by the most demanding professionals and by all keen amateur chefs, Sanelli products are a byword for quality all over the world.


Keep up to date with news from Sanelli. Follow us during the events we take part in and find out about our new products and a lot more: new recipes, certification and technologies that always keep us one step ahead!

Ambiente 2024

Ambiente 2024

Coltellerie Sanelli conferma la partecipazione ad AMBIENTE 2024 una delle fiera di riferimento per il settore Horeca e dei beni di consumo. Avrete quindi modo di poter passare al nostro stand, PADIGLIONE 8.0 - STAND G19 dove potrete toccare con mano tutti i nostri fantastici prodotti, apprezzarne la qualità e farvi raccontare la nostra storia e la storia dei prodotti stessi. 
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